Cordyline australis

Actually this tree is endemic to New Zealand so The Ausi’s really have no say in the matter at all asitshouldbe but having barked this I have to mention that we did meet a really nice Ausi Blokess and Bloke on the walk today so if they get to look at this page…WOOF!…..

For the international followers this is a Cabbage Tree and if cooked (no one would do this) would not smell anything like the real thing but don’t let that encourage anyone to even think of a Cabbage Tree sandwich or Cabbage tree on toast. 
This one was right behind The Boss as he sat at Edgewater sipping his Coke (D as they didn’t have Z) and watching the passing parade. He did have to get up and kneel down with the fruitphone to make the composition so there was some effort involved.
I was strategically positioned under the table wondering how I could launch a sustained attack on the “treat” bag which was attached to my lead and in (I thought) a vulnerable position. However there were other distractions and The Boss was only away for a short time to order his “DC” so it lives to radiate those wonderful chicken smells a little longer.
 Oh and by the way he loves to antagonise The Bossess so took a pic of his drink and texted it to her in the hair joint where she was probably getting baked under a dryer. I suppose ladies just cant get a No 4 and be done with it AND neither can lady dogs with curls.


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