Tussock and Tussock

Yap that’s me, and also Tussock grass on the left and all around.
We were up on Bendigo Hills for the Monday walk and The Boss thought that there are probably a lot of folk out there who don’t kno what I am named after. It’s grass. Not the sort some smoke but the sort that grows on the side of hills in New Zealand and is often a lot golder than this lot which is suffering from a tad too much rain recently.
This is an old mining area and scattered about are bits of old stone buildings and some very deep holes that un supervised kids and dogs could fall into altho most are now covered with steel mesh.
The older of you (Does NOT include ME) will be aware that sometimes when spouses’ ask something tricky they experience hearing difficulties. At lunch time today…Theirs…M was asking if anyone had seen any naked birds. The Boss, who has always had an interest in birds, inquired if these were ones without feathers and was directed to the nearest audiologist, the word used being Native.
Opps...as they say in the trade
Check out the Tussock

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