Paignton Pie ...

Well, the 'R' isn't shown at this angle. 

I had to go to Paignton today so while I waited for Marian I wandered down to the pier. There's something delightfully tacky about seaside towns out of season. I always imagine somewhere like Harrogate might have a better class of tat but probably not, I haven't been there, not for a long time anyway.

There used to be a big dinosaur on this lovely timber decking but there seem to be a lot more doughnut and ice cream stalls now, so the the brontosaurus has been ousted. That's a shame. I didn't notice the crow on the lamp post until I saw it on the computer. I think he adds  a lot to the image.

I've got new toys but I'm not going to tell you about them until I've sussed it all out a bit. That's a bit of a tease, isn't it? Sorry.

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