
By LoJardinier

geq - our new friend?

This is a corner of our logpile for the woodburning stove, 5 stères of beech and oak. Working out how much carbon we'll emit is a complicated calculation, and I wonder if we'll become as conscientious in carbon-counting as in calorie-counting. 5 stères, each 0.7m3=3.5m3, each containing about 500kg of wood since it's dry, so say nearly two tonnes of wood. Apparently in France we emit 9 tonnes equivalent of CO2 each per year, and the government is committed to reducing that to 2 tonnes by 2050.
I think we should become more aware of the carbon cost -  for example sending and storing this text and image on giant servers which have to be cooled by airconditioning is about 20geq C02. Not a lot, but if you've uploaded a thousand photos that costs 20 kilos of carbon a year - that's one per cent of your two tonnes. And your computer 'cost' around 200kgeq or 10%. Simply giving a bunch of flowers to someone costs 4kgeq, due to the greenhouse heating costs (so flowers from Kenya 'cost' less than those from Holland). Get your calculators out!

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