Stella The Geohound

I had a few choices lined up as a blip but, as it's Woof Wednesday, you know who has to take the top spot. A couple more of today's snaps are on Flickr

Only iphone snaps though as I had a predicament with my big girl's camera. 

Last week, in one of her enthusiastic zooming sessions around the coffee table, Stella knocked my camera bag on to the floor. I yelled, then sighed then thought I'd better check out the damage before I yelled some more. Checked the camera out, all was fine, took a few photos, all were fine. No harm done :)

Haven't used it much as it hasn't been the weather to do much with it, and the new iphone is pretty good so doubles up well on geocaching trips. Perfect nephew had been really sick again so not used it there either.

Knew we were going to a church today so brought it with us, swapped back from the nifty fifty (and thank you to whoever recommended that, still love it :) ) to the kit lens and nothing happened. I knew the battery was fine; a) because I charged it up last night, and b, the screen told me so. Took it off and put it on again, nothing. Mild panic sets in, what's wrong, can it be repaired, what will it cost to get repaired?! 

No point lugging it round so put it back in the car (not on view of course) and we went and did our geocaching.

Had to get Stella to her vet's appointment but quickly swapped the lenses over again and the 50mm works. Took a closer look and the 18-55 is bent. Should have checked the contents of the bag as well as the camera shouldn't I?! 

Pondering whether to repair or replace but apparently should get a like for like pretty cheap (thanks for your advice so far M x) My 3 best photo friends all have Canon so can only help so far, and, are all boys, which got me to wondering...

Is the Canon/Nikon divide in fact a boy/girl divide?! 

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