If you want something done ....

do it yourself!

My 2014 365 book is ready for printing, and although it won't be a hard-backed book like the one I was able to purchase in 2013, it is an A4 book with 1 photo per page to include the day's narrative and all printed on glossy paper. Not cheap, but comes in at less than the original 365 book and should blip disappear up its own oriface,  I at least have those precious memories.

A big thanks to LooseCanon who provided the S/W to download the journal. I'm sure he won't mind me sharing the link should anyone be interested in doing something similar.

Of course, this does mean that my day has panned out somewhat different to the plans I had. Lot's of DIY, just not in the kitchen. Never mind, there's always next year.

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