Recording session

Today is an exhausting singing day for me today.   I sing with a madrigal group called Musyck Anon and from 10am to 5pm today we have been recording a CD.   We recorded it in a village hall with nice acoustics.  It was made a bit more complicated by the railway line next door,  the nearby airfield and the fact that the farmer chose today to combine harvest the next door field.  There was some fancy recording equipment with several sound technicians.

This evening I am singing in a concert with my other choir, Alcester Singers.  I'll be ready for a drink afterwards!

Following the Blipfoto 'blip' this morning,  I have had a few enquiries about my Blip journal backup software.

If you are interested,  here are the details again:

You can download my Backblip software at
It allows you to download your images and includes a browser of your downloaded journal and the ability to create a pdf of your journal

I'm afraid it will only run under Windows but is quite happy using Parallels/Windows running on a Mac

Unfortunately, as it stands, it is not able to use the XML data you may have downloaded with the original version. However it's a simple job running the download again. It should be quicker that the original version.
A few new features include:
1) Downloads into database where the images and information can be browsed offline.
2) You can determine the quality of downloaded images
3) Incremental backup means you can run it again and only download new entries
4) New whizzy user interface
5) Ability to export your journal in a variety of formats including PDF
6) Browser view shows your images against a black background

There is plenty of scope for future enhancement but I need a bit of feedback on this version first (including wishlist items for features people would like me to add)
Please tell other Blippers about it if you like it

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