A path walked many times

but we have never noticed this before.

James has been asleep for most of the day, after going to bed feeling quite sick last night. I hoped it wasn't a 'bug' and that it was just exhaustion and that horrible queasiness you get after bouncing around like a nutter on a bouncy castle for two hours. I wasn't convinced last night, nor this morning, but I left him in Corin's capable parental care and went to work.

Anyway, after sleeping for 15 out of 24 hours he had perked up a little. His appetite has not quite returned, but his colour has. When I expressed a desire to go out for a walk, he wanted to come with me for some fresh air. Corin made the trio complete.

We have walked along this path many times. I have photographed it in bleak midwinter when it is truly beautiful, if not a little treacherous. I just happened to stop, to look into the trees to our left, when I felt something underfoot.

I looked down and I was stood on this piece of concrete...it says "Susy, Oct 85" with two paw prints. It must have been there all of this time, it certainly looks well weathered and the grass had done a damn fine job of growing over it.

We assume it is a memorial to a much loved pet. It is on a pathway on protected land...it has never been built on. So if it is a memorial, it begs the question whether permission was granted or not. I like to think, in a slightly rebellious way, that there was no permission. That someone just felt so strongly that they wanted to do it to remember their companion that they did it anyway...it seemed like a small and insignificant discovery this evening, but as I have settled for the evening, I cannot help but asking 101 questions about who, what, why, when...

It also makes me wonder how much else passes me, us, by on a day to day basis because we just don't pay attention to the little things that occur around us. We miss the simple things because we are so caught up in the big wide world of nonsense that drives us to daily distraction. I think I need to go looking for those simple things, that cause me to wonder, that allow my my mind to wander off down pathways not related to stats, performance, school leaving age, the next government edict. I need to find me time every day.

Corin has gone to the pub, James is asleep. I am soon for my bed. No work tonight simply because I have not got the energy. My poor colleagues who have had full governors meeting tonight (from which I excused myself) will probably not have left work till 9pm...

14 more get ups.

I came home from work today and found James still in his pyjamas, in his room, snuggled up and on the verge of tears. After much persuasion, he eventually said that he has upset because he felt guilty that Corin had had to take a day off work to look after him and that he wouldn't be paid as a result of him (James) being sick. I could have wept. I did explain to James that we were blessed to have a child who even considered his impact on his parents in this way, but that he should not worry about such things, because as parents who love him beyond belief, we would not think for a second to put his care before our needs. This made him more upset. Score 1 for quality parenting skills. However, when I explained that Corin wouldn't have been working today anyway, through snuffles and tears, he asked "Are you sure?" and when I assured him it was true, he stopped with the unnecessary, guilt-ridden tears.

Who'd have thought it!

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