A concrete love affair

By PhotoIain

Save Blipfoto!

Happy New Year to all! 

While Im obviously not the best at writing in reverse, whatever way you look at it a future without blip, and the community it plays host to, would be quite a sad one. 

The site has proved a wonderful place to express my thoughts, chronicle my days whether special or mundane and a great prism by which to see the world by. Its become a really valuable archive of my years since joining and I appreciate being able to go back and recall often the best of times, occasionally the worst of times and indeed those mundane times. But its clear that now is the time to act to save Blipfoto and the things we love about the site. Join me and pledge here https://www.blipfuture.com/invest

Many thanks to each and everyone who takes the time to view and comment on my journal. And extra special thanks go to Inkface who introduced me to the site and encouraged me to start blipping! 

In other news. Pam and I saw the New Year together over a few drinks. Today we got up late, visited my Grandma welcoming the new year in for her. 

Then went to Ratby to remember Stewart, his parents have planted a fantastic Christmas tree, evergreen in our remembrance of you dear friend. 

We also visited Ratby's Burrough Woods a little west of the village. Having not explored this Woodland Trust very much I was struck by the beautifully carved wooden bench and accompanying owl pole. Amazing that these are 18 years olds. The designs reminded of me of Maori Whakairo, or carvings, on Wellington's absolutely beautiful City to Sea Bridge which we were privileged to have visited back in September 2014 ( indeed one of my favourite blip entries Ive made is the day we arrived in that NZ's beautiful capital city ) After exploring the twin woodlands the weather turned for the worst and we walked back towards the car. Beside the car park the view towards Leicester City Centre opened up with gloomy city centre buildings in the distance, M1 motorway traffic sweeping between and a feeling that every bit of my life so far was somehow encapsulated in this view....

Thank you for reading, and looking and heres to another year of Happy Blipping in 2016!

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