D is for Daydream

Continuing the Alpha(Bet) males - The life in my men in my life - July challenge,

D is also for Dave, Davy and David.

Davy Jones was my favourite Monkee - obviously!! And there is only one track suitable for a sunny day in Brighton

There have been special Daves, Daveys and Davids in my life, but the most influential was David, my father.

My dad died many years ago, after several years of slowly deteriorating health. It was only at his funeral that I was reminded by so many of those in attendance, what a fun- loving, sociable and hilariously funny man he was. I had lost sight of those wonderful memories due to the more recent ones of his decline.

His funeral was a fantastic occasion, wonderful weather like today, and a real party.

Recently I took my mum to a funeral of a great friend of theirs, John. The wake was in a marquee and the food was delicious (the family are caterers!)

Mum suddenly turned to the lady next to her and said:

"Why is everyone wearing black?"

Slightly taken aback, the lady said:

"Because it's John's funeral"

"Oh yes." Said Mum "I'm having such fun, I'd forgotten for a moment!"

Dad, would have thought the same!

D is for Dad, the most special man in my life

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