E is for Evening

Continuing the Alpha(Bet) males - The life in my men in my life - July challenge.

E is for Evening

The heavy rain today put pay to my plan to take photos of the good folk of Hemel Hempstead in pursuit of the July Alpha (male) bet challenge for an E blip. Instead you get this flooded lane, which provided a reflective shot on the dog walk this evening, during a brief respite from the rain.

This evening I have been out to dinner to celebrate an 80th birthday, hence the late blip. I am back with a completely unrelated story to tell, in order to fulfil the challenge.

E is also for Eddie from Essex.

Eddie was everything you would expect from Essex man, exuberant, enigmatic, enchanting, elusive.

Eddie entered my life at a disco in Essex.

Shaved head, scar etched and chunks of gold. All dropped consonants, glottal stops an' at-ee-chewed. Flash car and a huge....

roll of readies.

Beer swilling, he was not. Eddie loved an enormous G n T and a clarseee chardonnay.

Essex Eddie knew what he wanted and in his book one dinner would buy it.

Eddie may well have been the inspiration for a shady Grey book.

I ain't no Anastasia.

Exit Eddie.

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