Dolcezza Della Vita

By Dolcezza


What a difference a day makes...I'm so exhausted today. Didn't get to bed too late...but I just couldn't keep my eyes closed. I've never had problems this is odd for me, I'm usually out cold as soon as I hit the bed. Working from home today - getting a lot done actually. I had a few phone meetings lined up but they got cancelled...just catching up on emails today. Quiet day.

Blipping the golf ball that is in my bathroom...I use it for reflexology. I purchased a book a few months ago on all of the pressure points in the body and how to practice reflexology. According to the book, a golf ball is probably the cheapest and most efficient tools to relax the foot...I just keep it on the floor and roll my foot on it while I'm getting ready in the morning...feels sooo good! Hey, and I'm putting the ball to use, I can't really golf in the winter ;)

Talking about is absolutely cold outside - I can hear the wind just howling...brrrrrrr! We are about 20 or so degrees below the normal temperature. Snow coming in tonight...tomorrow...over the weekend...and next week! Definitely started early this year. Which reminds me...I need to put new tires on my car- $248 a will be a little expensive!

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