A Bit Of A Building

Like a number of other blippers, I've signed up for the A Year With My Camera course (http://emmadaviesphotography.com/a-year-with-my-camera/), hoping that it will stimulate a few ideas and make me think more carefully about technique.

The idea for the first week was to decide on a theme to run through the year so, after much indecision, I've plumped for Bits of Buildings.

I've always been interested in doors and windows and all the odd details you find in architecture so hopefully this will get me to look more closely at the details in the everyday.

As I had to call in at the local Library, the entrance became my first subject. It was donated by the Clark family to the village in 1924 and I've always admired it's classical portico. (Not since 1924 I hasten to add!)

As it happens, I spent part of the morning dealing with a bit of our own building, putting up a new blind in the bathroom

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