Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Hooray for Sunshine!

Well after yet another extremely wet day yesterday, the sun had made its appearance by the time I got up.

I was much later to bed (after 5am) by the time I got home after Street Pastors. It was a busy night for them, not so busy for us back at base, thankfully they all got back safely and we were kept occupied making teas and coffees and praying! The local police popped in, so it was nice to meet them too!

I can't get over how beautiful the 'love in a mist' flowers are. To be honest I got the seeds a couple of years ago, and they've been sat at the back of a drawer until this summer! I think the seeds are worth their weight in gold, given the extraordinary flowers I have seen (and photographed!) this summer :)

Anyway, I couldn't resist taking another few shots of them (and somehow ended up doing a movie as well~not sure how that happened!?)

There are blue ones and creamy white ones, and not only that, more than one shape of here is a blue one. I have just used a plain photograph, no messing here :)

The photographs will not be nearly so interesting in the winter, I have no flowers of any descriptions then! I am planning to get the camera manual out, I'm sure there is much more to do than just point and shoot with this camera!!

I nearly gave you one of Billy as well today, but decided the flower was too beautiful on its own (he had his face buried in the grass at the side of the path!)

I might start putting some of these on 'flickr' for people to view if they want to, but I'm not sure about doing that? Anyone else do it?

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