Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Perfect timing

This meet-up of two workers at the Railway tunnel project in Delft today seems to fit the words that mark my day today.... Perfect Timing!

Firstly I'd wondered many times today where the report remained of December's Kick-Off of my friend's project and then in the eve I found it in my mailbox; Ah such nice Telepathy!
I'd been there then as photographer at my friend's request and was eager to read his report and find my pix.

As this project has bearing with my workfield I'd sent on towards my boss and asked him to take notice of it and help it being picked up by organisations and so...
On instant I got his reaction that I'd sent him info that's perfectly timed :-)
I didn't know he's having a meeting about this theme next week and he didn't know I was involved with this Kick-Off

+ yesterday's backblip

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