Gorgeous Girl with Gappy Grin

Day 9 of July Challenge 2012 and we have reached the letter G. Check myFlickr set for all photos taken for this challenge even if they don't make the final cut!

Mondays can be a bit manic in term time. Luckily we have a coffee morning at local church after school run! After work its swimming run with back to back lessons so not much time for photography... Decided to fall back to photographing my favourite female model again to show off her gorgeous gappy grin!

1 - A (missed)
2 - A for Apple
3 - B for Brushmaker's Black Boar at Black Hall
4 - C is for Cemetery
5 - D for Dearest Darling Daughter with a Dimple (in the Dark)
6 - E for Edward VII th postbox
7 - E is for Eye 2 Eye
8 - F is for Fabulous Frilly Flower
9 - G
10 - H
11 - I
12 - I
13 - J
14 - K
15 - L
16 - M
17 - N
18 - O
19 - O
20 - P
21 - Q
22 - R
23 - S
24 - T
25 - U
26 - U
27 - V
28 - W
29 - X
30 - Y
31 - Z

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