Logic 101

I've dithered around over the title for this blip.

"This one has lasted": this was first seen six weeks ago, very early in my awareness of the posted local thoughts, and it was still there this morning when I had a very early run before heading to the airport for a flight to Wellington for a one day meeting. While showing its age, it's still legible.

"A message to the Tories": a reference to the blue painted block wall it is posted on. The current NZ government is led by the National Party, our "Tory-lite" party.

"Only too true": why should truth be thought of as "only". One which I saw in the past was better for reference to truth, and I hope it will be seen again at some point.

Variations on the use of logic in the title eventually resulted in this title, because it all seems so plain.

Recently I had drawn to my attention a cartoon of some business man demanding to know what would happen if we saved the world and hadn't needed it? One might cry as well as laugh.

The latest in the thoughts series

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