
I passed through Durham St for the first time this evening. It was jaw dropping. I think this is opposite where the courts used to be - assuming that is the now empty space.

27 July is when the 100 day plan for Christchurch is revealed. Someone I met has been into CERA and seen a little of the project team working on it. He said it's full of world experts in town planning, architecture etc.

How exciting, the blue print for the rebuild of a CBD. I hope they link into and connect with the suburbs that desperately need some hope. We're certainly part of something immense (in more ways than one).

I hope we'll become a city no longer defined by old England. Not that I'm knocking the heritage of Christchurch or think it should be forgotten. I just think it's time we embraced who we are and the landscape we live in and reflected more of that.

A good day at work with some web things untangled and possibilities for the future. Followed by a deep massage as part of the rehabilitation process on my right hip area. I'm slightly more unkinked.

A superb casserole and coleslaw consumed. A catch up with the Hunter and another catch up with a cousin.

All good in the world of hpx.

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