Big Hill

By bighill

Fading Amaryllis.

It's been a good day, but i haven't gone very far from home....only over to the mudroom, after Terry got the place up to a comfortable temperature.   Spent a few hours making more of the ugly mugs...and listening to a most interesting story on CD, Frog Music by Emma Donahue.  Set in San Fransisco in the 1800's...during a small pox outbreak....a young french burlesque dancer befriends a rather eccentric young of them gets shot and so unravels all that is hidden!!!   Emma Donahue is the woman who wrote the book lots of accolades, i think even won an award or two, and has been translated into a movie... but i was unable to read it....just too graphic and hard to digest.   but this one, is great.   she really is a good writer, i'm enjoying it thoroughly.

After lunch i laid down with my other book....the South African woman who climbs Everest....and promptly fell asleep....napped for almost 2 hours!!!  holy shit....that was weird!!!  

We had such a great evening last night, at the auction to raise funds for a Syrian Refugee family to come to tiny little Baddeck.....we raised almost $10,000 !   totally amazing - this community is small and not wealthy that's for sure...but man do they step up to the plate when needed!!!  i was so proud to be part of this event.   We apparently now have enough to sponsor one family for sure, and are on our way to raise funds to sponsor a 2nd family.   I just think it would be so wonderful if there were 2 refugee families in our little community...give them a bit more comfort perhaps!

Extra image....couldn't decide completely between these 2 rather abstract images....what do you think?

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