Oh the excitement!

Mrs Whippy of blip fame 2 days ago turned up outside work this afternoon. You wouldn't read about it ;-)

It's interesting how Mr Whippy triggers such strong childhood memories. Tony Chimes (the soft-serve ice cream interloper) had parked across the road earlier but no one stirred. (I still think his music evokes bad clown at the fairground). There was a general exodus when Mrs Whippy pulled up to partake of one of the many marvels of dairy products and sugar on offer. 

I did succumb to a small plain Mr Whippy (by Mrs Whippy). My colleagues lived dangerously and went for various dips, sprinkles and flavour embellishments.

Fortunately I took one photo because it turned grey and dreary, and it's now raining. Good for the garden but not so good for summer activities.

I need a quiet evening with plenty of relaxation. 

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