Mrs Whippy

Slightly confusing I know but it was a Mrs Whippy at the wheel. I can't tell you if the ice cream is as good as when we were kids.

At work we have a regular ice cream truck called Tony Chimes come past. Some of the guys from across the road are frequent fliers. Tony has a different tune to the Mr Whippy Greensleeves. Tony's tune sounds sinister bad clown from the fair (if that makes sense).

Someone at work who grew up in the states says the ice cream truck in their neighbourhood was a front for selling drugs. Yes, the chimes reminded you to come buy your drugs. Maybe that's why Tony sounds sinister....

Mrs Whippy seemed genuine and the guy who bought an ice cream appeared to have just that. In 30 degrees he'd be flat out eating it.

Bene and I felt a little wobble around 4.30am. Just a few online things to do and then I can go to bed. Hope the earth is quiet.

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