I love Blipfoto.

I love Blipfoto.  I have posted a blip every day for 8 years, and my wife and I have posted a blip on behalf of our son every day of his life.  I have created memories here I wouldn’t otherwise have.  I love the “be excellent to each other” community, and I love that it engages me in photography even when I’m really too busy.  I love that it keeps my friends and family in touch with what I’m doing.

For months now I have been wondering each day if that blip would be my last.  If Blipfoto would disappear.

Today I’m not wondering.  Today, ]Blipfoto is owned by its community.  Today, I feel like Blipfoto has a future.

There is a long road ahead to sustainability – the community may now own Blipfoto, but we still have to make it sustainable through paid memberships.  That isn’t a small challenge.

For today though, and probably for a few more days, I’m just going to enjoy being a part of this amazing project, this amazing community, and enjoy blipping.

Today, I’m blipping blip.  Those I follow, the page that tells me I’m arriving here, and my first blip.   It’s been one heck of a journey already...

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