Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I got up with big plans today...however, after being up only a few hours, I realized that this cold is kicking my ass.  So, I took a few shots in the yard (mostly of the ever-accommodating titmice) and have decided to call it a day.  I cropped this (obviously) so that you can see the feather detail and soft colors. I liked this one because it is one of the few shots I got where its crest isn't raised - this little guy was apparently feeling very calm and safe.

Six turkeys in the yard this morning, but they stayed pretty close to the woods and ran away as soon as I opened the door to the deck.  I dumped some acorns out at the edge of the woods, hoping maybe I can lure them back.  We'll see.  

Saw a squirrel carrying a big mouthful of leaves from tree to tree - either a female building a nest or just some mid-winter remodeling of an existing nest.  I'm guessing the former, though, given the friskiness I saw going on out there several weeks ago.  Ahem.

Also saw a woodpecker with a very discolored belly, which makes me wonder if he may have already started excavating a nest cavity?   

Hubs is over at the Man-cave working on the race car; the cats are napping; and I think I'll soon be doing the same.  Hate wasting a beautiful day, but I'm afraid this is a case of the spirit being willing while the flesh is weak.  Or something like that.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!


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