Handy man!

Budgie Eetu could open the cage door from narrow to wide open, quite a handy budgie he is. He and his new companion Indrid have been flying free indoors for almost all the day!

Some problems with Indrid. She seems to be alerting all the passing by people, cars, snow ploughers and also all the plenty of great and blue tits in the garden... So today we have been teaching her the right area to fly - in the living room - which she has learned fast. And we have tried to teach her to stop yelling as we say so by thanking her after passing cars etc...

All the streets are wet or slushy. Snowy sleet showers during the day and some 10-15cm wet snowing during the night... Quite sweaty job to shovel, I was happy that teens were home in the morning.

However in the afternoon our daughter left back to Helsinki and I had some marvellous time to sort out the photos from our son's prom day. As our son did go to movies with his friends, I had good time to visit my dad at the dementia ward. On my way back home, I had honour do drive all of these "western suburban young men" to their home. That means my son and two of his friends ;)


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