Covered in Bees

By PaulFS

Straight Streets and Scooters in Spain

Quite an early start to get our bags packed. We needed to check out by Midday and were being picked up at about 5pm.

Considering my lack of sleep and slightly overdoing it on the beer, I didn't feel too bad!

We did the Eastern Tour of the City which was interesting. My photography really wasn't up to much though so I picked this one as a representation of Barcelona. Straight Streets, and there's some scooters in it.

I know.

I didn't do any of the landmarks justice from the top of a bus unfortunately!

Another huge lunch but I stayed clear of the beer as I didn't want to be in the airport half cut.

We got wind of a flight delay of about an hour, which was steadily increasing by the time we got the airport late afternoon. After much waiting around it was confirmed that the 8pm flight would be 3am.

I've never tried sleeping in an airport before, and I didn't this time! It was impossible! But interestingly no-one really complained, we were all in the same boat, (a boat might have been faster), and it was just one of those things...

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