Art Show 8

A maist excellent day. Up and out for a much needed haircut then on to the maw who was surprisingly cheerful. And next, a rarity - a scooshy car wash! What fun indeed. Onward, to pay in boat club subs, fiddle with stuff at the garage, buy a scraper at Wickes and finally to Granton to pick up the post.
After a pop into Waitrose and lunch, up to the Gallery of Modern Art to have a gander round the British Art Show 8. And what, Mr Pensioner, is the central concern of this show, you may well ask. Let me enlighten you!

"A central concern of British Art Show 8 is the changing role and status of the object at a time of increasing convergence between the real and virtual worlds. In response to these changes, artists have developed new ways of thinking about and approaching materiality."

There youse have it, in the proverbial nutshell. The increasing convergence of the real and virtual worlds. Soon there'll only be one. And it'll be real. Or virtual. Or something.
But we got to sit out in the sun with a coffee - first time this year. And later, a teatime pint or two along at the Tap. Bliss.

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