In An Instant

By MrRosewarne

'The Birthday Girl'

This is our next door neighbours eldest daughter Sean. She's having her 21st birthday party at home tonight and we've been warned that there will be music into the night. I don't mind at all, I remember when I had my 21st at home and we hired a jukebox for the night. Kept all the neighbours awake I'm sure.

Sean and her mum had just finished hanging up the glass candle holders over their front balcony, I loved the way the glass was catching the afternoon sun and couldn't help but take a snap.

Her dad spent all day yesterday setting up a marquee and making sure everything was ready for the big night tonight.

At least the rain looks like it's staying away.

Mrs Rosewarne took D & B to one of D's classmates birthday's today. She had a top secret spy party. (Don't know how I found out about it?) I spent the entire day at home without leaving our property once. Got through a bit of housework and listened to some new music, just discovered an amazing American guitarist named Terry Robb and been listening to his album 'Resting Place' and loving it.

Both kids are in bed asleep now, time for Mrs & Mrs Rosewarne to sit back, relax and maybe watch a movie if I don't fall asleep.

Night everyone.

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