Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Buzzy Tiny Tuesday

This morning, there were three honeybees busily harvesting pollen from my four little patches of miniature iris.  I feel pretty safe in saying that those three bees were the subject of more photos than most super-models!  So, even though this is more-of-the-same of yesterday's blip, I couldn't resist.  I promise I'll do something different tomorrow.

I find it odd that the first bees I'm seeing this year are honeybees since usually the first to show are carpenters and bumble bees.  And last year, I didn't see any honeybees in our garden until well into the summer.  This led me to do some reading about honeybees and I learned that they don't hibernate as other bees do - instead the Queen and workers all cluster together in their hive, vibrating their bodies to keep warm and living off honey stores.  The drones, as best I can tell, are banished from the hive before winter to ensure enough food for the queen and her workers.  (Obviously, this causes the drones to die - it's a tough life.)  Anyway, interesting stuff...

Temps today in the high 60's - how great to be outside in just a long-sleeved t-shirt and lightweight pants!  And tomorrow we'll get into the low 70's.  I'm planning to head out to one of my favorite trails tomorrow.

Thanks for all the bling on yesterday's flyer - I have to confess that it was a bit of a lucky shot and I wasn't able to get even one decent flight shot today.  

Do be sure to check out the other entries for TinyTuesday and thanks to Lizellen for hosting!  


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