
By TreeHugger

Banksia marginata - old and new

Banksia, an Australian native, grows as a tree or woody shrub, mainly in Western Australia. There are about 170 species in the plant family Proteacae.  They are heavy producers of nectar and are a vital part of the food chain in the Australian bush for birds, bats, possums, stingless bees and a host of invertebrates.
Just walking in the garden today I can see how full of promise it is, with gum nuts forming for the new season, along with Callistemon, and now, suddenly the Banksias are breaking out.  My Blip shows a new emerging flower and beside it the cone left from last year's flowering. Over 90% of all Banksia species occur only in South Western Australia. So, we are very grateful for what we have here!
My extra is an amusing bent Banksia.  They are usually very upright.

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