Not a holy well

Tony rang up at lunchtime asking if he could borrow back his books. Ages ago he lent me two weighty tomes comprising the Archaelogical Inventory of Cork and they have proved invaluable whilst engaged in a spot of historical trespass. He asked if he could have them back for a week - how could I refuse, then he mentioned that he thought a holy well had been uncovered on his land, did I want to take a peek. Is the Pope Catholic?? We rendezvoused in the afternoon had a rootle around the recently cut drains eventually uncovering this little well. We were delighted and enthusiastic as it had all the properties of holiness in our eyes. We then went on to admire the Holed Stone , recently re-erected and onwards up the mountain to look at two more 'significant' looking stones.
Back at his house, sipping Golden Rod tea (an acquired taste) we looked on the os maps to see if our well corresponded with the known but undiscovered well in the area. Sadly it did not, but our well was in use at least as far back as 1841 so pretty thrilling.

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