Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Conversational madness

I travelled North today to the sunnier climes of Penrith. Lol!

How about this for a conversation whilst driving on the M6 today?

Handsfree kit rings.
Me: "Good afternoon"
Person: "Hello. *pause* Can you talk?"
Me: "Well I am driving at the moment, is it going to be long?"
Person: "You don't sound like you're driving."
Me: "I can assure you I'm driving."
Person: "Nope you definitely don't sound like you're driving."
Me: "Look, who are you?"
Anyways I eventually find out who it is, and it's a genuine phone call and I agree to phone them later. But it's not the end.
Person: "Right I'll give you my number."
Me: "Er no because I'm driving."
Person: "Are you?"


Some days you just can't win! Lol!

This is a photo of a hedgerow flower on the site that I visited.

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