
By Fisherking

........the eyes have it..............

Good's taken ages but at last a photo that shows Loki's blue eyes and Keo's green ones.

Spent a couple of hours shooting the breeze with the boys this morning........and then this afternoon the Daughter and I made the best of the sunshine...and did some gardening!

To be fair the Daughter did the lion's share......but we vacuumed up the leaves............tidied up the pots and hanging baskets..........and cut back the clematis!

Not sure if we've done it right........Helen was the clematis expert........but all the advice was to cut them back hard, even if new leaves have started to we'll just wait and see.

I  need to contact an ex-pupil who has a landscaping business to come and make the gardens much more manageable for me..............lots of gravel or some such........a tree plants into pots..........the daughter has already marked the sites of the snowdrops, crocuses, mini daffodils and tulips so we can dig up the bulbs when they've flowered and transfer them to big pots.......we'll keep all the clematis already in pots........and transfer some more.......the Japanese maples will stay.......the hostas and grasses into pots.............the pond and the irises and other plants around it will stay.

It'll still be Helen's garden...........but easier for me to manage.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

Only just found out that this is my 1825th entry..........5 years worth......what did hebs get me into?

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