Footprints in the Sand

By JustKeepSwimmin

Decisions Decisions (33)

As part of my parent's "Clean House" operation, today two Asian dudes came to paint our house. Also on a related dad made me get the leaf blower to "dust" all of the inner screens of the windows (the thing that lets you open the window without worrying about bugs getting in). It might just have been the strangest thing I've done all summer...

Anywhooo, today I had to decide between my two favorite summer sports frisbee or volleyball. Sighh it was probably one of the hardest decisions of my summer right up there between eating a muffin or cereal for my midnight snack and whether to go to Noodles or Chipotle for lunch....sighh as you can tell my summer has been full of stress but don't worry I'll survive!

Oh and I decided on ultimate with the athen's kids because who can say no to running after a frisbee? : p

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