Helping the wind down

Been one of those days.

What exactly does that mean, I wonder. Which of "those days" does this refer to? Those days which are named Monday, perhaps? Those days when I'm working in the acute inpatient unit? Those days when I'm a locum rather than on permanent staff? Those days when the registrar is on nights and the house officer is in bed with flu? Those days when there have been a number of new admissions since I was last here? Those days when there's a lot happening? 

All of the above. I did make time for three pots of coffee, and a couple of quick sandwiches, and while eating them I managed a few more clues in Imogen's puzzle from last Friday. 

When I left to come home, I managed to hit the pause between the early finishers and the late finishers, and had a pleasant and unstressful drive home. I thought about stopping beside the approach to the Harbour Bridge to take a photo of the city gleaming white in the late afternoon sun.

After getting home I took a glass of wine and the remnants of the Imogen and sat on the deck and watched the sun go down. The cares of the world dissipated nicely.

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