
By pattons6

Ladies that lunch

Well we had a bad night. Not my baby sister but me. I was up during the night. Mummy said it was like reading the story goldilocks. My range of excuses as to why I was up went from my bed being too soft, cold, hungry, thirsty, morning time (midnight) to it's time for nursery. Mummy got me to stay in bed by asking me to look after my baby sister, who slept through until 5am, had a wee cuddle with mummy and went back to her cot until 7.30am.

Alas once up my sister has a reflux episode so her morning bottle came straight back up. Mummy spent the day playing catch up by giving her little and often. If she doesn't eat enough to catch up she ends up during the night.

So once mummy got dressed and showered again....after my sister was sick on her, we headed out for a walk. I jumped in the muddy puddles and used my umbrella.

We had w lovely lunch. I had a ham picnic lunch. My sister had her puréed pot - she has either puréed food or total solids, no in between. She then helped me eat one of my sandwiches, a carrot stick and a drink of water....her second lunch.

As I had been such a good girl, sitting nicely eating lunch and using my please and thank you, mummy got me a cake and a magazine as a treat.

Tonight I am excited as I am staying at grandmas tomorrow. I told mummy the essentials I needed were a party dress, tiara, make up and party socks. Mummy is wondering if she has missed an invite to a party.

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