Wild Wednesday

A new Wednesday challenge has arrived suggested by Cailleach  - Wild Wednesday.  Pretty much anything can be 'wild' - the weather, animals, scenery, someone's temper....it's up to you and your imagination!

If you'd like to join in next week please tag your photo WildWed 2. The following Wednesday will be WildWed3 etc.

So is this a  cage containing wild animals?  No - not really.  Just my two Bengal cats Tino and Lily.  The Bengal is a domestic cat breed developed to look like exotic jungle cats such as leopards, ocelots and the like. They were developed by breeding domestic cats crossed with hybrids from the Asian Leopard Cat and domestic cat with the goal of creating a confident, healthy, and friendly cat with a highly contrasted and vividly marked coat.  They have a "wild" appearance with large spots, rosettes and a body structure reminiscent of the Asian Leopard cat. 

Anyway I was just going to blip the empty cat enclosure but all of a sudden two wild looking cats ran out from the house.  They didn't stay long as it was too windy. 

No Morrisons this morning as my friend Jan is holidaying in Scotland.  So I had a nice lie in.   Walked to the Co-op this afternoon.  The rain had stopped but it was cold and the wind was strong.

Neil is due here later after he finishes work - probably arrive around 10.30pm.  Not sure if he will want a meal at that late hour.

Steps today - 6,264

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