The Ripe Jackfruit

Manda picked the first ripe jackfruit today!

It is quite a ?small? one, I must say, it weighs only 4,5kg and is 35cm from top to bottom, measured after it was cut in half. Note the table we are working on, it is a little glasstop garden table, 90cm diameter.

Note the seeds, enclosed in a yellow bulb. On the outside you can see how rough, knobbly the surface is, and it is not green anymore, see the fruit on the tree as blipped on 15 Nov, it is yellow/brown now.

This is a big thing for Manda and family, it means a very interesting side dish on the table tonight, apart from the nshima (maize porridge). His wife, Merriam, is already busy taking it apart, the big seeds are going to be cooked in water, with salt, the seeds are enclosed in large yellow bulbs, which se tears off and that is eaten raw, and tastes like banana, the mushy sweet carpels are eaten as is, and tastes like pineapple.

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