Wind Power

Weekly check to see how Pep doing with her battle with Myeloma. Alps a bit misty but now really well covered with snow and the dandelions in the foreground have taken a knock but one can see they are strong and fighting to stand back up and brighten up our lives. Later found out Pep has been readmitted to hospital after being released the day after my last Blip for her on 21st. She has been hit by Glandular Fever, so no yodelling for a week or so until she has beaten off this annoyance.

The day another improvement in the weather, now getting in to the T-shirt range and the wind has now dropped to a slight breeze. Bees were hyper active again and while clearly bringing in dandelion pollen again, also noticed some with a very grey/brown colour.

Spent the day messing about in the garden, mainly trimming back some shrubs and bushes and back filling the holes dug yesterday. The water pipe repairs seem to have been successful, no signs of any leaks.

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