Silly Saturday

Step One: Drive to Cottage for some serious, responsible work.

Step Two: Set up tripod.

Step Three: Set timer and pose with photos to be entered into the Coos County Fair this year.

Step Four: Enter Cottage and work with a song in your heart and a smile on your face

Step Five: Drive to Myrtle Point with Sweet Sheepish Contraptioneer to enter photos

Step Six: Ask this question of those who sign you in, "Do you have to know how any of the buttons on your camera work to be in the intermediate section?"

Step Seven: Do not hide your giggles and smiles while they try to figure out what you mean.

Step Eight: Act very grown up when they decide you can enter intermediate, and be glad you never decided to try to enter your work in an art show with that line.

Step Nine: Spend some leisure on a sunny day with your sweetie, having lunch....and a picnic table with warm sun on your back and a cool breeze in your face.

Step Ten: Thank God your heart is free to spread some silliness around the world.

Delighting in the fact that my parents and my sister (seen in mom's blip with dad) had a silly Saturday too!!!!

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