Act 1

"That will ask some tears in the true performing of it: if I do it, let the audience look to their eyes;" 
- Act 1, Scene ii, "Midsummer Nights' Dream" - William Shakespeare

Opening performance of 'Shakespeare on the Green' postponed from last week due to bad weather. A medley of moments from the Bard, each found in different locations on our green and leafy site, with actors from 8th to 12th grade.  Pictured here is the opening scene presented, from Act 1 Scene ii of Midsummer Nights' Dream where Quince is selling his idea for a play.  We audience were then led from scene to scene, literally, place to place, around the campus for fully two hours whereupon during our travels we would perchance fall upon some scene enacted in various leafy locations on this sunny (but painfully chilly) early May Day evening.  Of course my camera battery died before the end of even the opening scene (pictured) but that's ok, it just means I have an excuse to go again tomorrow. 

Meanwhile, earlier in the day, this week's "Music on Mondays" at lunchtime was performed by a delightful group of 9th grade who played and sang beautifully to a most appreciative audience. (extra)

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