
By BikerJim

~Wild Burro Peak~

~Tortolita Mountains Silhouette After Sundown~

I brought out the old Canon DSLR 40D tonight!
Gosh I was sweating bullets, it's been over a year since I clicked the shutter on my old friend. It's funny how one's mind, at my age, forgets how to do things. But after a few frames it all started coming back to me. By the end of this sunset display, 102 images later, I was clicking, framing and thinking like the good old days.

While my Canon G12 is still my favorite carry camera, I had a need to use a ultra-wide lens tonight, glad I did! I have been toting the 40D around for a week or so lately, but too afraid to use it. I wasn't even sure I could turn it on, let alone trying to remember what buttons did what and why they did what they did!

In the end, all my concerns were unfounded, and my confidence got a huge boost. Again, the G12 will be at my side constantly, but given the opportunity and accessibility, I will not hesitate to bring out the big guns, my D40 DSLR and its array of lenses.

Again, thanks for your continued support in my return to The Blip!
Your friend,TucsonJim ;o)

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