The Occasional Blipper...

By st3f

Arthur's Sky

I'm posting this a mere nine months after taking the picture. If I was any more organised, I'd be dangerous. So, at time of taking the picture I'd been living in Edinburgh for less than a year, at time of writing (29 May 2016), it's closer to a year and a half. 
The reason why those timescales are important is that I still haven't got used to the view. I don't know that I ever will. This picture of Arthur's Seat is taken on the walk into town from my flat. That's right. I walk past this vista on the way into the centre, a mere 45 minute amble away. It's completely wonderful and insane that there is what looks like mountain ("a hill for magnitude, a mountain in virtue of its bold design" – Robert Louis Stevenson) completely surrounded by a city. Occasionally if I'm flush with energy and have time to spare I'll walk up it on the way back home. Taking carrier bags up a moutain. Crazy, mad, bizarre, beautiful.

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