Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Are we there yet?


It's before six and you have been up for half an hour playing Top Trumps with your sister very loudly and now you have come down and shone a torch in my face. I am still in bed!

Looks like we are leaving for Cornwall a little earlier than planned then. The girls are giddy as anything. Yesterday I told her that she wasn't allowed to say "Are we there yet?". She replied, "That's OK, I'll say other pain in the backside things instead."

By the way, I don't sleep with my camera.....we have emptied our bedroom completely as it is being gutted and redone whilst we are away - we relived the good old days of student life by sleeping on a mattress on the floor of the lounge. So the camera was within arms reach. Must be the earliest Blip I have ever done....cheers Jnr Jnr!

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