Never a Dull Moment

Nobody could say that life is boring over the railings in the Meadows. Last weekend we were subjected to what amounted to a free rock concert, while this weekend we looked in amazement as numerous bouncy looking castles were inflated in a ring round the park perimeter. In the end it turned out to be a GungHo 5K race with the inflatables as obstacles to be got over. All day different hordes of runners appeared as if from nowhere to scramble and bounce their way round the course with the finish being the indignity of a foam bath.

As it is also bike week in Edinburgh, there were electric bikes to try out, which I did with a cycling friend. I am not quite at that stage, of needing obvious power up hills, but it was interesting nevertheless to race up Middle Meadow walk as if a giant hand was pushing from behind. The draw back to my mind was their weight, which made them rather cumbersome. Perhaps I should wait until I qualify for one of those mobility scooters and become another old nuisance on the pavements of the city.

And all the while, the cricketers in their whites played their own slow gentle game at the other end of the park, with only the occasional 'Howzat' breaking the silence.

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