Mediocrity Photography

By EqoZ


This biker is waiting in front of a museum dedicated to a different kind of bike, the Harley Davidson Museum. It's an interesting bit of industrial-styled building, but I can't say I have ever been inside yet. I'm afraid this picture doesn't really capture the building very well (the white building in the background is not part of the museum - see how poor this picture is?). The Hank Aaron State Trail has a loop that runs a circuit around the museum, it's a pleasant ride that I sometimes do if I have extra time to burn.

Really, I was just waiting for my girl to meet up with me so we can ride home. You can see the lovely shade of brown that most of the grass around here has taken unless it's watered regularly (contrasted with the museum's grass across the street).

I've always wanted to learn how to ride a motorcycle, but don't feel ambitious (or spendy) enough to buy lessons, much less a bike of my own. I just can't justify one. A scooter, maybe, someday when I have a mid-life crisis. As far as crises go, that'd be pretty minimal. Any motor-based-bikers out there? Whenever I see on while I'm biking, I always think of this comic. It sums it up pretty well.

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