
By J0shua


Bad camera today. Went to CX race to get some photos.. CX is...arrr could not be bothered explaining; cycling fans will know; the rest of you can google it.

No equipment failure, good weather, good track, not very many racers, I was pumped, good places to get shots, no spectators or people "in the way".... just didn't click for me shadows, wrong settings, lens flare (don't mind this), auto focus failures, poor judgement of distance (for manual focusing)......grrrrrr

Anyway good part of the day was it forced me to do two hours of riding to get to race and back.

Thought I'd still post one! My workflow after a race is to rate each photo and then only publish the 4's and above.... I had four 4-rated photos, zero 5's from 300 WTF grumpy afternoon

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