
By astudyinscarlet


this is from the corridor outside the newsroom in glasgow about 4pm, hence oddness of shadows (thru a window, y'see). i hate the nights drawing in thing, it sucks. then again, sunset is pretty appropriate for what's going on in that building these days (and elsewhere).

second-last xmas gift arrived today - one more to come, from amazon, and i'm done bar some chox for my parents. i also figured it out: it's not that i want to be xmassy, it's that i verge on the ocd and right now xmas gifts are the only thing i have control over, so that control is going to be iron-clad and tighter than cheryl cole's party frocks.

recognising you have a problem is step one towards fixing it - only thing is, i don't want to fix yet, i want to panic and wallow and bore my friends to tears some more first...

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