
By NickyH

Day 209

I didn't have a clue what to blip today. I've been at work all day and didn't have time to try any shots there, then I didn't get chance on the way home (mainly due to the fact Matt and H picked me up and H was extremely tired and grumpy). So I got home and tried my philosophy of not stressing about it and not overthinking it, as that usually ends up with me pacing the garden or the house desperately looking for some random object to photograph and try and look vaguely interesting. Anyway, I spotted H gazing at a spider through the window that was on the other side of the glass and decided that would be my shot!

I thought it was cute how he was showing it to Lightning McQueen as well!

Saturday night at last! It's been a VERY long week. I'm looking forward to getting Mr Grumpy to bed and chilling out with Matt, a few cold beers and some good food.

Happy weekend blippers!

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