This plant has sowed itself between stones. I like the pleasant place and the colour of the flowers.
Let i be my contribution of the Flower Friday, wonderfully hosted by BikerBear
The first thing in the morning I learned was the result of the referendum, the leave votes in the majority.
Then I went through the garden for a picture, the light was so glaring.
A bit too glaring.
And in the afternoon we heard a lot of thundering, and the sky was dark grey and threathening. Now the wonderful blue is back and the weather is a bit cooler, a lot better than before.

My haiku:

I had been surprised
The choice of the plant so odd
Till I saw the flowers

And the proverb:

To dance (or march in a net.

( = to act without concealment, while expecting to escape notice)

1532  Thomas More, Confut. of Tyndale.

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