I have used a photo of a chinese (New Year?) celebration, for the 52th Abstract Thursday challenge, so wonderfully hosted by youoregon1, and the celebration theme suggested by Bom for this special day.

Today a very hot day, We drove to Hofgeismar, seeking information we needed for a certain dutch inquiry we had to fill in.
A gentle woman explained everything to us, and we left the Finanzamt satisfied and relieved.
We deserved an espresso afterwards and ate our sandwiches in a nice, green park. Our walk along the ancient stone walls was shadowed by huge trees.
There are beautiful houses in the pedestrian center, and we strolled there slowly because of the heath.
Just outside Hofgeismar we visited Bad Gesundbrunnen (Health well), build in the 17th and 18th century. In my extra I show a picture of the Brunnentempel, constructed by Simon Louis du Ry in 1790/92.
When we finally came home, it was high time for a rest/nap.

My haiku:

Every week we try
To deliver an abstract
For the gallery

And the proverb:

You try all ways to the wood.

1639  Clarke, 163.

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